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Bio Green of Brevard

Bio Green of Brevard


Lawn Care Pest Management


Bio Green® Fertilization Redefined™

Bio Green® Licensed Service Providers have served their local communities by using biologically sound, environmentally safe fertilizers and using best management practices and improving the quality of soils, lawns, and landscapes across the country. Bio Green Licensees are individually-owned and operated lawn and landscape companies and are located in the United States.

The Bio Green® bio-based products are a complete macronutrient and micronutrient package for turf, bedding plants, trees, and shrubs. Bio Green’s liquid fertilizer, plant nutrients, and soil amendments are blended in their Greensboro, Georgia facility. Each product is blended to feed plants, improve soil fertility, and build topsoil. In 2013, the corporate offices were consolidated and the manufacturing business relocated from Kearney, Nebraska to a 30,000 sq.ft. facility purchased in Greensboro, GA.  In 2020, Bio Green® was welcomed into the Greene County Fertlilzer Company family of brands.

Bio Green® Professional Fertilization Services

Bio Green® is nationally branded, effective, and environmentally safe fertilizers that are made available to the public through individually owned and operated lawn care and landscape companies designated as Bio Green® Licensed Service Providers. The Bio Green® brand replaces the leading fertilization services with a competitively priced and professionally applied product that is environmentally responsible.

Bio Green® Products

Bio Green® fertilizer products have proven to be effective stand-alone, nutrient fertilizers, on turf and ornamentals, in areas where fertilization regulations have been implemented, and a high quality supplement to existing fertility programs. Each product is designed specifically for the growing demands of lawns, shrubs, trees, and ornamental plants.

Bio Green’s® complete formulas ensure that plants get all that is needed to thrive during the growing season and soil organisms get all that is needed to build and maintain healthy topsoil.

Bio Green® products are environmentally friendly, river friendly and are child and pet safe fertilizers.

Bio Green® brand

The Bio Green®  brand are environmentally responsible fertilizers made available to lawn and landscape companies through a business model for license and co-branding opportunities. Bio Green® natural fertilizer products are made right here in the USA in Greensboro, Georgia. We use only the finest materials and only the highest quality manufacturing practices are implemented.

Bio Green® products were developed to serve communities with biologically sound, environmentally safe fertilizers that will improve the quality of soils, lawns and landscapes and are made available to the public through designated Bio Green® Licensed Service Providers.

Additional Info

In 2020, The Bio Green® brand was welcomed into the Greene County Fertilizer Company, Inc. family of brands.

Bio Green® products have proven to be effective stand-alone, nutrient fertilizers, on turf and ornamentals, in areas where fertilization regulations have been implemented, and a high quality supplement to existing fertility programs. Each product is designed specifically for the growing demands of lawns, shrubs, trees, and ornamental plants. Bio Green’s complete formulas ensure that plants get all that is needed to thrive during the growing season and soil organisms get all that is needed to build and maintain healthy topsoil.

Bio Green® 20+MICROS™ Turf Lawn Fertilizer

Bio Green® 20+MICROS™ Turf Lawn Fertilizer is engineered to be a complete product for all varieties of turf ­grass. It is formulated to produce a quick green-up response and maintain consistent color for 6-8 weeks. Bio Green® 20+MICROS™ Turf will produce a strong root mass which will grow deeply into the soil. It will stimulate soil activity necessary for building sustainable fertility.

  • For cool season grass varieties, it is the recommended product for every lawn application.
  • For warm season grass varieties, it is the recommended product for applications during the cooler months.
  • Bio Green® 20+MICROS™ Turf is not recommended for non-irrigated lawns during periods of drought stress.
  • Consult Bio Green’s “Application Rates and Time” for your growing season for application rate recommendations.
  • 20+MICROS will start and finish your season right, regardless of your turf type or growing zone.
  • Contains Slow Release Liquid Nitrogen.
  • More Product Info (Label, SDS, Spec Sheet):Bio Green® 20+MICROS™ Turf Lawn Fertilizer
Bio Green® Professional Turf Nutrition™ 5-0-1 Fertilizer

Bio Green® Professional Turf Nutrition™ 5-0-1 Fertilizer is engineered to be a complete fertilizer for all varieties of turf grass and certain plant, shrub, and tree situations. It is formulated to provide good consistent color during periods when the soil is the most active. Bio Green® 5-0-1 will significantly increase root mass and depth (drought resistance). It will stimulate considerable soil activity which will substantially improve soil fertility.

  • For cool season grass varieties, it is the recommended product for non-irrigated lawns during periods of drought stress.
  • For warm season grass varieties, it is the recommended product for application during warmer months or for lawns where there is clearly a need for soil remediation.
  • Consult Bio Green’s “Application Rates and Time” for your growing season for application rate recommendations.
  • Bio Green® 5-0-1 is recommended for soil (non-foliar) applications on plants, shrubs and trees.
  • Contains Slow Release Liquid Nitrogen.
  • More Product Info (Label, SDS, Spec Sheet): Bio Green® Professional Turf Nutrition™ 5-0-1 Fertilizer
Bio Green® Complete Landscape Nutrition™ 3-0-1 Fertilizer

Bio Green® Complete Landscape Nutrition™ 3-0-1 Fertilizer is engineered to be a complete fertilizer for all varieties of landscape plant, ornamentals, tropicals, shrubs, and trees.

  • While soil application is acceptable, it is formulated for foliar application.
  • Bio Green® Complete Landscape Nutrition™ 3-0-1 will absorb through leaf, stem, and cambium tissue and be distributed to the roots through the circulatory systems of plants, orna­mentals, shrubs, and trees.
  • Application rates of 3-0-1 are very low.
  • Consult Bio Green’s “Application Rates and Time” for your growing season for application rate recommendations.
  • There is no risk of tissue burn. Product can stain. Special care should be taken when applying near homes or hardscapes.
  • Contains Slow Release Liquid Nitrogen.
  • More Product Info (Label, SDS, Spec Sheet): Bio Green® Complete Landscape Nutrition™ 3-0-1


Jimmy Rizek

Myron Ritter

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